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April 19, 2010



I'm one of those people losing sleep over deficits and debt. Virtually every nation in the world is bankrupt because they all have large sums of debt.

I live in Canada and we have more than $500 billion in debt and $56 billion deficit, very small compared to the United States of course.

The problem in the U.S. is the fact that they have so much of it: $13 trillion debt, $1.6 trillion deficit and $107 trillion in unfunded liabilities and expenditures.

My question is, where will the money come from? They can't tax people anymore, they're taxed to the death. They can't borrow the money anymore because countries like China are fed up with the Fed and the Treasury. The only solution for the Keynesian government: Print, print and print more.

Would I get an A for that answer Mr. Conerly?

Of course, you can't forget the Federal Reserve's idiotic policies!

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