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« Credit Crunch: Latest Data Leads to Doubt | Main | Credit Crunch: Is it Real? »

March 26, 2009


Luther Anthony

A loan to value of 76% may be just fine for refinancing. One other factor to consider in conjunction with LTV is the debt coverage ratio. If the property is generating sufficient cash flow to cover the debt, then I don't think there would be any difficulty in getting a new loan.

san diego real estate

Good post.With the development of private property ownership, real estate has become a major area of business. Purchasing real estate requires a significant investment, and each parcel of land has unique characteristics...

Brainerd Lakes Area

I would be very interested in seeing 2008 and 2009 data in your Commercial Real Estate loans chart. How has the trend been reacting the last two years?


More proof of the 100% accuracy of the May 15th Prophecy read What is Now and you will see what will happen next!

Mortgage Loan

I am going to start real estate business.What are mortgage loan situation today.

Pakistan real estate property

Global recession has created many problems in real estate business worldwide.Property sale purchase is badly affected due to terrorism attacks in Lahore and current law enforcing agencies operation in Swat and adjacent areas.

Richard Stabile Bergen County Real Estate

Commercial real estate will get a lot worse yet. The fundamentals are off. The recession will not give them pricing power or even hold rental pricing. The lack of the ability to roll the mortgages is even a bigger problem. Not to say many markets are over built.

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