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January 13, 2009


john tan

Technically yes. But the fed can use other tools such as intervening on the market by buying bonds, reducing the cash reserve ratio, "quantitative easing" a polite way of naming printing money.

Given the wide power given to the fed, they can create new instruments that we may not have thought of yet.

john tan

Technically yes. But the fed can use other tools such as intervening on the market by buying bonds, reducing the cash reserve ratio, "quantitative easing" a polite way of naming printing money.

Given the wide power given to the fed, they can create new instruments that we may not have thought of yet.

john tan

Technically yes. But the fed can use other tools such as intervening on the market by buying bonds, reducing the cash reserve ratio, "quantitative easing" a polite way of naming printing money.

Given the wide power given to the fed, they can create new instruments that we may not have thought of yet.

john tan

Sorry my browser froze and it resulted in three posts.


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