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« China's Export Machine: The "China Price" is Dead | Main | Oregon Business News »

July 01, 2008


Dr. Steven J. Balassi

I find it hard to believe that that casino business is recession proof. The cost of flying and driving to casinos makes it harder to get there. Also, with the rising prices of food and energy, people have less to spend on gambling (which is discretionary spending).


median consumers have no disposable income. It is hurting a lot of stocks. I was surprised by how much some good ones are down. see Chart @


Amazing Site I like it. It Was Quite Interesting NiceWork I appreciate the information you provided Excellent post. Keep it up! Good day!

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Casinos are not recession proof. I just saw on the news that they are losing money. will the government bail them out.


Fact is NO business is ever recession proof. Its true that people will always gamble even with the economic downturn but it won't stop smaller companies from folding... I think we'll see more and more smaller companies filing for bankruptcy in the coming months...

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